$20 Callers Select Japan Prepaid Phone Card for International Long Distance Calling to Japan | Up to 1174 Minutes
The Caller’s Select Japan phone card uses the latest technology to make calling easier while delivering crystal clear voice quality for your International long distance calls to Japan supported by PINLess Dialing. Calls are billed in one-unit increments. Use our PINless Dialing option by simply dialing our Access Number followed by the number you wish to call. Still too complicated? Simply dial just like traditional phone cards by dialing our Access Number, 10-digit PIN followed by the number you wish to call. This phone card is to be used for calling FROM the USA, Canada, Guam, Puerto Rico, and US Virgin Islands only. You can call TO anywhere in the world. Start calling your loved ones right away once you receive your card. All of this is backed by our 100% no-questions-asked guarantee.
- GREAT RATES - Get up to 1,174 minutes to call landlines or 568 minutes to call mobiles phone in Japan
- 100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEE - So buy with confidence.
- RECHARGEABLE - No need to buy another card. Simply refill with a credit card.